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What is considered an alcoholic?

My friend drinks a lot. What is considered an alcoholic?

What treatment is effective for depression?

I have depression. What treatment is effective for depression?

How do you get rid of drug addiction?

I have a drug addiction and want to treat it. How do you get rid of drug addiction?

Are panic attacks serious?

I have panic attacks. Is it serious? Should I see a doctor?

How long does it take to fix depression?

I have depression and want to treat it. How long does it take to fix depression?

Can you help with drug addiction?

I have a drug addiction and want to fix it. Can you help with drug addiction?

What time of day is best to take anxiety medication?

I have anxiety and want to take medications. What time of day is best to take anxiety medication?

When should you go to the doctor for anxiety?

I have anxiety. When should you go to the doctor for anxiety?

How do I know if I need anxiety medication?

I have anxiety. How do I know if I need anxiety medication?

When is anxiety an emergency?

I have anxiety. When is anxiety an emergency?

Are essential oils good for anxiety?

I have anxiety and want to treat it. Are essential oils good for anxiety?

Should I see a doctor for anxiety?

I have anxiety and want to treat it. Should I see a doctor for anxiety?

Should I see a doctor for panic attacks?

I have panic attacks. Should I see a doctor for panic attacks?

Can you treat depression without meds?

I have depression and want to treat it. Can you treat depression without meds?

How can I get rid of drug addiction?

I have a drug addiction and want to treat it. How can I get rid of drug addiction?

Do antidepressants cure panic attacks?

I have panic attacks. Do antidepressants cure panic attacks?

How can I reduce anxiety?

I have anxiety and want to fix it. How can I reduce anxiety?

Should antidepressant medication be used in the elderly?

My grandfather has depression. Should antidepressant medication be used in the elderly?

Anxiety medication that doesn’t cause sexual dysfunction or weight gain?

I have tried almost every SSRI and a couple of antidepressants. They have all caused loss of sexual interest and anorgasmia. What medications would you recommend for anxiety...

How to treat my vertigo?

I went last Monday to a doctor with the symptoms: dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, and anxiety. He prescribed me hydroxyzine, and sertraline, he said i had vertigo and that...

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