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Can physical therapy help back pain?

I have back pain and want to treat it. Can physical therapy help back pain?

Should I have physical therapy after an ankle injury?

I got an ankle injury 3 days ago. Should I have physical therapy after an ankle injury?

How long does a knee injury show on an MRI?

My son had a bike accident and fell on his bike onto his knee and then the bike then fell on top (of his knee). 3 years later he is still suffering pain but the insurance company...

When should you start rehab after ankle surgery?

I had ankle surgery 2 weeks ago. When should you start rehab after ankle surgery?

Is physical therapy needed after sciatica surgery?

I will have surgery for sciatica. Is physical therapy needed after sciatica surgery?

Can a physical therapist help with a hip injury?

I have a hip injury. Can a physical therapist help with a hip injury?

I have tingling/pins and needles in left thigh?

A few days ago I noticed an odd indentation in my upper right thigh. I have never had anything like this happen to me. At the time I wasn’t feeling any “off” sensations but now...

Why am I getting pain in my left shoulder and in my left arm?

I am getting pain in my left shoulder and in my left arm. I have been having this over the last few days but it comes and goes and tends it hurts more when I’m resting such as...

Knee buckling?

I use to play high school sports and it really messed up my body. Today my knee buckles upwards of 10 times a day. I will be walking and it will just give out and I will fall....

If one doctor doesn't recommend surgery because of thinning blood?

My son's orthopedist doesn't recommend surgery for his sciatica. He's had pain for 10 months or so. The doctor says his blood is too thin and he has a bad liver. My son has...

Does my mom have osteoporosis?

My mom has a severely broken leg. She went after around 3 months to a physiotherapist. The first one put her leg in some automatic pressure pump and left her alone, while he...

What's the best exercise for the arthritic knee?

I have knee arthritis. What's the best exercise for the arthritic knee?

Do I need physical therapy for tennis elbow?

I have tennis elbow and want to treat it. Do I need physical therapy for tennis elbow?

What is the best exercise for hip bursitis?

I have hip bursitis. What is the best exercise for hip bursitis?

Physical activity level?

What is the recommended activity level for a 50 year old female, with a bad knee and back?

Long-term knee pain?

My knee pain has been with me for as long as I can remember and it is worse when going up and down a steep hill. Also, the common medication did not relieve pain much.

Wrist injury?

I have wrist pain on the thumb side with popping.

Is this just all in my head or growing pains or is it something more?

I have aching pains in my joints specifically my fingers, wrists, knees, shoulders, and hips. I have stabbing pain or numbness in my hands sometimes it feels like I'm wearing...

What is the best exercise after arthroscopic knee surgery?

I will have arthroscopic knee surgery. What is the best exercise after arthroscopic knee surgery?

Does physical therapy help a broken hand?

I broke my hand 2 weeks ago. Does physical therapy help a broken hand?

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