How Your Life Has Changed with Alzheimer's

Kaye Carre Ehses Alzheimer's Disease

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How has your loved one's life changed since they were diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease?

Perhaps the loss of autonomy - losing his drivers license and ability to use his credit card was difficult. 

As a caregiver, how has this diagnosis affected you personally? What about your family?

Suddenly having to assume all the decisions over our lives, whereas it was shared before. Feeling somewhat trapped and lonely, even though we are together. Have to find small ways to find joy in moments.

What lessons have you learned while taking care of your loved one with Alzheimer's?

I have learned that very few things are important enough to worry about. It is the love that carries you through and to laugh, sometimes through tears. Never realized that one could grieve the loss while your loved one is still alive. Wakes you up to be aware of the here and now.