Breast Cancer Comfort, Care, and Routines

Karen Schelhorn Breast Cancer

I am a 68-year-old woman and my breast cancer was discover during a routine mammogram. Since my mother died of Metastatic breast carcinoma I decided that I should have my mammogram regularly. I also had been treated for endometrial and renal cancer 2 years earlier. So I had a diagnostic mammogram followed by an ultrasound...

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Did you get any second opinions before beginning your treatment plan?

I didn't get a second opinion on my breast cancer as in going somewhere else and starting over because my insurance doesn't pay for that. I was already going to doctors that were following me for endometrial cancer and kidney cancer. There were 3 doctors involved with my treatment and I was consulted about everything. My breast cancer was caught early on a mammogram. It was so small that I couldn't feel it even when I knew where it was.

How does treatment affect your schedule? If you're a survivor, how has your life changed since treatments finished?

The only treatment that was difficult in the beginning was radiation therapy. I have back issues and had to take extra pain medication. That meant it was not wise to drive. My children were working and could only take me a couple of times. I finally got the handicapped bus to take me. I am still taking a pill and have about 3 more months to take them. 

Upon learning about your treatment process, what concerns did you have?

I asked the doctors and googled the side effects of radiation and the medication I take. When I got done with radiation my breast looked like it had been roasted but it healed quickly. I am left with a small irritated area that itches occasionally. I also get this stabbing pain occasionally that lasts about 10 - 15 seconds but it means nothing just an irritated nerve. The pills only have slightly annoying side effects, like night sweats and constipation. With all 3 cancers, I feel that I got off easy and arthritis interferes with my life.