What Kinds of Treatment Have You Dealt With?

Karen Schelhorn Breast Cancer

I am a 68-year-old woman and my breast cancer was discover during a routine mammogram. Since my mother died of Metastatic breast carcinoma I decided that I should have my mammogram regularly. I also had been treated for endometrial and renal cancer 2 years earlier. So I had a diagnostic mammogram followed by an ultrasound...

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What treatment plan have you tried, or are currently trying?

I have been very fortunate in that though having had 2 other cancers before my breast cancer was discovered. In all 3 cases, the first thing was surgical intervention. I had a hysterectomy, then cryoablation of the kidney cancer, then a lumpectomy and direction of a couple of lymph nodes. I chose to have radiation on my breast and I take letrozole.

How do you juggle day-to-day life with your treatment?

The hardest part was arranging transportation to have the radiation treatments. I needed to take more pain medication for back pain and therefore, couldn't drive. Finally, I got to use transportation for the disabled.

Who and what has been the greatest help to you during treatment?

I thank the bus drivers that drove the disabled buses, they were pleasant to the people riding which sometimes wasn't easy, and wow did they know their way around the city.