Share Your Feelings on the Awareness of Fibromyalgia

Carole Hall: Share Your Feelings on the Awareness of Fibromyalgia
Carole Hall Fibromyalgia

I have had fibro for many years, I think I just thought at the beginning I was clumsy and tired, then I lost my youngest son in a RTA and it came on big time, I find it frustrating, painful, worrying, I am not good at pacing myself, on good days I do too much, and then suffer the bad days, but I so want to just have a normal...

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Is there more awareness in the world of fibromyalgia compared to when you first got diagnosed?

No, it's the same. Everyone still thinks that it's in your head, and they all say "But I get tired!"

What do you think when you hear a celebrity is also suffering from fibromyalgia?

Poor them.

What do you think should be done to raise more awareness on fibromyalgia?

Education is the only way, but really, it's only those who have it that can truly understand.