If You Were Able to Come Face to Face with Muscular Dystrophy, What Would You Say?

If You Were Able to Come Face to Face with Muscular Dystrophy, What Would You Say?
Vicki Tyler Denton Muscular Dystrophy

63 years old. Diagnosed at age 28. Drive with hand controls since 1995. Use a walker for the last 2 years. Muscles are atrophied. I have Charcot Marie Tooth and Freidreichs Ataxia so I was told just in July. Need a more positive outlook. I have let anxiety and depression get the best of me. Please send any info you think...

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Go ahead. Vent your frustrations. Share how you persevere in the face of the everyday struggles of having muscular dystrophy.

I’ve had MD since I was 28 and I am now 63, almost 64. Next month. Every outward muscle is atrophied and my digestive system is totally messed up. I have trouble swallowing. Walking. Standing in one place. I weigh 97 lbs. I have been trying to get help at the UT Science Dept. San Antonio. Slow process. Had a peg tube inserted to help maintain my weight. Had gotten down to 88 lbs. Anxiety and depression are part of every day. I use a walker to maneuver around.  Sure could use a break to get some help. Have been told I have symptoms of Charcot Marie Tooth and Freidreichs Ataxia. If you have any suggestions please let me know. Vicki Denton. Texas 432-213-3704