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Lyme disease: Making a diagnosis
Healthy Living

Lyme Disease: Making a Diagnosis

Lyme disease does not have a proper and specific test available for its diagnosis. However, there are several blood tests that will help doctors come up with a Lyme disease diagnosis. Continue reading this article and learn all the possible ways that Lyme disease can be diagnosed.
Can Back Pain Get Diagnosed?
Healthy Living

Can Back Pain Get Diagnosed?

Back pain is one of the common ailments affecting people and many factors could cause this pain so it is difficult to get a proper diagnosis. In this article, we will look at techniques used to get an accurate diagnosis as well as some common issues patients encounter while trying to get a back pain diagnosis.
Where Does Genital Herpes Appear on My Body if I Have It?
Healthy Living

Where Does Genital Herpes Appear on My Body if I Have It?

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease that causes lesions to appear mostly on the genitals. However, these lesions can also be found on the buttocks, thighs and anus. Read this article to know more about where genital herpes appears on the body.
What are the Signs and Symptoms of Testicular Cancer?
Men's Health

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Testicular Cancer?

Germ cell abnormalities trigger testicular cancer in the majority of cases for reasons that are yet to be understood. Early stages of the disease may remain asymptomatic, but more advanced stages start emitting distress signals in the form of swelling, hardening of the testes, and pain.
What are the Benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
Healthy Living

What Are the Benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

A review done in 11 studies to compare the improvement rates of CBT and other forms of therapy as treatments showed that CBT recorded a higher improvement rate in about 60 percent of the cases compared to the other alternative forms of therapy.
What is the Recovery like for Cryotherapy?
Healthy Living

What is the Recovery like for Cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy is a new type of treatment which is becoming more common for speeding up the recovery process, relieving pain and encouraging weight loss.
Reasons Why You Need Occupational Therapy
Healthy Living

Reasons Why You Need Occupational Therapy

Have you been diagnosed with a chronic condition recently? Is your child diagnosed with autism? Do you have a parent who is aging every day even more? Do you have a loved one who had an accident which made it difficult for them to perform simple daily life activities? Well, these are all problems that occupational therapy is trying to address.
Everything You Need to Know About Cataract Surgery
Healthy Living

Everything You Need to Know About Cataract Surgery

The lens of the eye works more like the lens of a camera. It is found in between the iris and the retina. The lens consists of protein and water that is precisely arranged in a manner such that it helps light focus to the retina.
Are there Risks to Ablations?
Healthy Heart

Are there Risks to Ablations?

Having a catheter ablation is a better option compared to other medication options, such as anticoagulants and antiarrhythmic drugs. The procedure saves you the trouble of having to take drugs for the rest of your life to keep the heart complications in check.
When Should I See a Doctor if I have Back Pain?
Healthy Living

When Should I See a Doctor if I have Back Pain?

Most cases of back pain do not usually require treatment by a doctor. However, if you have numbness or severe pain that doesn’t improve with over the counter medications and rest, or if you have pain after a fall or an injury, you should see your doctor immediately. Also, if the pain is accompanied with other problems like trouble urinating, weakness, numbness in your legs; fever, or unintentional weight loss, it requires urgent treatment. Many different types of doctors treat back pain, from primary care physicians to doctors who specialize in disorders of the nerves and musculoskeletal system.
Is Your Child at Risk of Osgood-Schlatter Disease?
Healthy Living

Is Your Child at Risk of Osgood-Schlatter Disease?

Osgood-Schlatter disease is a a medical condition of the knees commonly found in growing children. The cause is normally associated with wear and tear of the muscles and ligaments as a result of excessive activities. Learn more about the disease, causes, symptoms and treatments.
Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids
Diet and Nutrition

Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids

Living with hemorrhoids is not easy. Natural remedies that everyone has in their homes can help you relieve the signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids without any side effects. Which natural remedies are recommended for hemorrhoids?
Lobotomies in Other Countries
Healthy Living

Lobotomies in Other Countries

Lobotomy, a procedure invented in Portugal, quickly became popular worldwide. Out of 100,000 lobotomies performed in total, about 40,000 of them were performed in the US. Other countries where lobotomies were performed include Germany, Sweden, Denmark, and Great Britain, as well as others.
Who Gets Cholera?
Healthy Living

Who Gets Cholera?

Cholera is a disease that infects certain people depending on their environmental and genetic factors. It is an infection that is caused by a bacterium known as Vibrio cholerae, which attacks the small intestines. It is capable of killing people who are infected within hours in severe cases if it is not treated promptly.
What are the Symptoms and Treatment Options for Scalp Psoriasis?
Healthy Living

What Are the Symptoms and Treatment Options for Scalp Psoriasis?

Red rashes on your head are the major characteristics of scalp psoriasis. Read this article to learn more about it.
Everything You Need To Know About Chemotherapy
Healthy Living

Everything You Need To Know About Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is a type of treatment used in treating cancer. There are many things you should know about chemotherapy treatment. Read on to learn more.
What to Expect After Anal Fissure Surgery
Healthy Living

What to Expect After Anal Fissure Surgery

After undergoing this kind of surgery, one can slowly resume their normal activities. You should begin walking normally the morning after your surgery and gradually increase how far you walk according to your fitness level.
What Specialists Can Conduct Cognitive Behavioral Therapies?
Healthy Living

What Specialists Can Conduct Cognitive Behavioral Therapies?

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) interconnects your situations, thoughts, emotions, physical feelings, and actions in a manner that each of them can have an effect on the other. There are several specialists who can perform cognitive behavioral therapies. They must, however, be trained in handling cognitive behavioral therapies. Read this article to know what CBT is, and to know which healthcare providers can carry out cognitive behavioral therapies.
Breast Augmentation: What Are Silicone Implants?
Beauty and Anti Aging

Breast Augmentation: What Are Silicone Implants?

If you go for silicone implants, you will need to pay regular visits to your surgeon to ascertain your implants are working properly. MRI screening or an ultrasound will check the condition of your breast implants.
Can Ear Infections Cause Deafness?
Healthy Living

Can Ear Infections Cause Deafness?

Did you know that recurring ear infections may in fact cause deafness? Read this article to learn all about how ear infections can cause hearing loss and to learn about the different types that patients may experience.
5 Tips on Living with Vaginitis
Women's Health

5 Tips on Living with Vaginitis

Some women might assume that they have a yeast infection when they experience vaginal itching and having an unusual discharge. Many women self-medicate by buying over-the-counter drugs when their vagina gets irritated. It is advisable to see a doctor if the problem comes back as it might be caused by something else.
What Are the Causes of Viral Diarrhea?
Healthy Living

What Are the Causes of Viral Diarrhea?

Viruses are one of the harmful pathogens responsible for diarrhea. They cause abdominal pain, and loose stool at times, which weakens the body.
What Are Phytosterols?
Healthy Living

What are Phytosterols?

Phytosterols are an exciting new addition to diet plans, and are designed to reduce cholesterol. Read this article to learn about the mechanics of phytosterols and how to include more in your diet.
What to Expect After a Plastic Surgery
Healthy Living

What to Expect After a Plastic Surgery

Just like any other type of surgery, you should expect many things after a plastic surgery. Some of the things you are likely to experience are pain, infection, loss of blood, and changes on your skin among others. Read this article to know more.

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