Labor Unions Are Growing: Should Doctors Join?
Clinical News

Labor Unions Are Growing: Should Doctors Join?

What are labor unions? As a definition, a labor union is an organization that is created by a company’s group of workers for the purpose of protecting their rights to fair wages, work hours, and working conditions.
How Often Should A Doctor Blog?
Branding & Exposure

How Often Should a Doctor Blog?

Before you create your blog and start writing posts, it is essential that you decide how often you want–or need–to write. Generally, the more frequently you post, the greater traffic and exposure you may get. Yet, is there a minimum frequency that doctors, physical therapists, and other healthcare professionals need to post articles or videos?
Should Patients Be Advised to 'Think Positive'?
Doctor Lifestyle

Should Patients Be Advised to 'Think Positive'?

During the course of one’s lifetime, an individual goes through a mix of emotions: happy, sad, mad, glad...When a patient receives a cancer diagnosis, they might feel frightened or overwhelmed.
Vaccine Denial and a Physician's Reputation
Doctor Reputation

Vaccine Denial and a Physician's Reputation

The vaccine debate has been around for a few years now.
6 Ways New Physicians Can Prepare for Success
Branding & Exposure

6 Ways New Physicians Can Prepare for Success

The road to success can be long and arduous especially if you’re a doctor.
Why Do Doctors Still Use Pagers?
Doctor Lifestyle

Why Do Doctors Still Use Pagers?

The first pagers were introduced to doctors in New York in the late 1940s.
Top Medical Journals for Doctors
Clinical News

Top Medical Journals for Doctors

Medicine is a forever evolving profession.
Famous Female Physicians
Clinical News

Famous Female Physicians

Throughout history, women have proven themselves to be extraordinary contributors to the world of medicine.
Patients Missing Appointments?
Branding & Exposure

Patients Missing Appointments?

Operating a medical practice can be difficult enough, let alone having to deal with patient no-shows.
When Is Social Media Too Much?
Branding & Exposure

When Is Social Media Too Much?

It’s highly unlikely that you’ll find a single doctor right now who isn’t on any social media website.
The Opioid Epidemic: Should We Be Surprised?
Clinical News

The Opioid Epidemic: Should We Be Surprised?

The current opioid epidemic in the United States has been officially recognized by the government as a health crisis.
Medical Practice and the Benefits of Legal Perspective
Practice Marketing

Medical Practice and the Benefits of Legal Perspective

If you are a doctor running your own medical practice, caring for patients and managing your staff are likely to take up much of your valuable time.
When Patients Ask About Wait Time
Doctor Reputation

When Patients Ask About Wait Time

Going to visit a doctor can be a chore for a lot of people.
What Happens After Physician Burnout?
Doctor Lifestyle

What Happens After Physician Burnout?

Being a physician can be rewarding profession, but it can also be challenging. It involves waging an invisible battle with the concealed forces of physician burnout – cynicism, exhaustion, and doubt.
Is the Internet the new “Word of Mouth”?
Doctor Reputation

Is the Internet the New “Word of Mouth”?

“Word of Mouth” (WOM) is, by far, the most effective form of advertising.
To Increase Referrals, Build Partnerships
Practice Marketing

To Increase Referrals, Build Partnerships

It’s important to think of your medical practice as a business.
Is the Internet Harming Your Practice and Patients?
Doctor Reputation

Is the Internet Harming Your Practice and Patients?

It’s rarely a great thing for a doctor to have a patient walk in with a self made diagnosis.
Predictive Modeling in Healthcare
Clinical News

Predictive Modeling in Healthcare

Predictive modeling in healthcare is currently being utilized in improving quality of care.
Signs You're Not Listening to Your Patients
Doctor Reputation

Signs You're Not Listening to Your Patients

As a doctor, you see a lot of patients on a daily basis and listening to them is important.
Tips for Effective Health Website Design
Branding & Exposure

Tips for Effective Health Website Design

Every day, individuals are turning to the internet to better understand their options and validate their decisions.
Could EMR Technology Benefit from Social Media?
Clinical News

Could EMR Technology Benefit from Social Media?

Electronic records are the future when it comes to medical record keeping.
What Doctors Can Learn from Volunteering
Doctor Lifestyle

What Doctors Can Learn from Volunteering

Volunteering is such a wonderful thing to do.
Top 10 Reasons Why A Doctor Should Blog
Branding & Exposure

Top 10 Reasons Why a Doctor Should Blog

The world of blogging is continuing to grow on a daily basis. Online presence for a doctor is a need these days, not just a passion. Blogging opens up an entire world of possibilities where you can connect to other trusted medical experts and establish a professional network of resources. The more valuable information you share, the more your brand will grow.

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