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Rafael Mastov, MSPT

Physical Therapist

Rafael Mastov is a physical therapist practicing in Boca Raton, FL. Rafael Mastov specializes in physical treatment to help a patient reduce pain, restore mobility, rehabilitate an injury, or increase movement and overall function. As a physical therapist, Rafael Mastov can treat multiple conditions with exercises, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, joint mobilization, heat, ice, massage, laser or light therapy and more. Rafael Mastov will create a treatment plan based on the patients specific injury or condition, and might target a specific body part or body system based on the individual.
Rafael Mastov, MSPT
  • Boca Raton, FL
  • Accepting new patients

I have faint but consistent knee pain. What could it be?

It could be due to osteoarthritis- heavy physical activity, lack of use, injuries such as sprains or strains, sitting in a constrained area, or sitting on knees for a prolonged READ MORE
It could be due to osteoarthritis- heavy physical activity, lack of use, injuries such as sprains or strains, sitting in a constrained area, or sitting on knees for a prolonged period. Occupational related factors are also needs to be considered.

Can you suggest some stretches for treating my sciatica pain?

Most importantly for sciatica is to stretching the piriformis muscle that is inflamed and pushing on sciatic nerve. Focus on therapeutic nutrition- what’s deficient - change diet. READ MORE
Most importantly for sciatica is to stretching the piriformis muscle that is inflamed and pushing on sciatic nerve. Focus on therapeutic nutrition- what’s deficient - change diet. Nutritional approach treats symptoms pf sciatica.

Activate and elongate meaning stretch a specific muscle of the gluteal (buttocks )region. There needs to be constant activity of your gluteal/piriformis muscle- otherwise your are developing a piriformis syndrome — a condition where inactivity of the piriformis muscles causes pain, numbness, and tingling in your butt and hips. Try to bring one knee opposite to your chest, hold for 5 seconds and then switch. You need to feel that stretch.

Gluteal bridges - helps to lengthen your hip flexors and takes away pressure from sciatica. Basically Lie on your back with hands at your sides, knees bent, and feet planted firmly on the floor.
Contract your glutes and raise your hips until your chest, pelvis, and knees are in a straight line.
Hold this position for 10 seconds, focusing on contracting the muscles in your glutes (butt).
Relax, then repeat one more time.
If you are young, pigeon stretch would be ideal -
Start on your hands and knees.
Bring one leg across your body with your knee bent.
Slowly lean forward until you feel a stretch in your glutes and external hip muscles.
Hold this position for 10 seconds, then switch legs and perform the stretch on the opposite side.
Relax for a few moments, then repeat one more time.

I have recently put on a lot of weight and feel stiff around my hands and thighs. What can I do?

It has been proven that people who engage in physical activity cope with depression faster. The most important is aerobic activity to maximize your endurance and to break that READ MORE
It has been proven that people who engage in physical activity cope with depression faster. The most important is aerobic activity to maximize your endurance and to break that stiffness feeling. Baby steps - it will be hard in the beginning but you will feel satisfaction later. Begin with Walking not running - u dont want to put stress with your weight on your knees. Cycling, swimming, dancing helps a lot. if you live in a house then gardening would be excellent choice of activity, and basic stretching yoga/pilates. Prior to any exercises, stretches are important. Lie on your back, bring one knee to your chest, hold it, count until 5 and the switch to the other knee. Then you can do SLR -
Straight leg raise - very good for your thighs.
Stabilize the muscles on your straight leg by contracting your quadriceps (the group of muscles on the front of your thigh).
Inhaling slowly, lift the straight leg six inches off the ground.
Hold for three seconds.
Exhaling slowly, lower the leg to the floor with control
Relax and repeat 10 times more.
Now you ready for your aerobic/endurance exercises.

Should I have physical therapy after elbow surgery?

Yes - very important to start therapy right away to prevent any calcifications or bone spurs or adhesions. Often times because of pain after surgery, we tend to guard muscles - READ MORE
Yes - very important to start therapy right away to prevent any calcifications or bone spurs or adhesions. Often times because of pain after surgery, we tend to guard muscles - but with therapy, you will feel secure using those muscles. Also physical therapy will be beneficial for pain reduction.

Is it advisable to undergo physical therapy after knee replacement surgery?

You should start physical therapy right away - you dont want adhesions to develop. The longer you wait, the more tougher it will get to stretch out the muscles.

Can physical therapy help my leg pain?

Yes Physical Therapy can help you to alleviate the leg pain. We have great weight reduction programs and usually we show specific functional therapeutic activities for leg exercise READ MORE
Yes Physical Therapy can help you to alleviate the leg pain. We have great weight reduction programs and usually we show specific functional therapeutic activities for leg exercise so that you don’t have to experience pain.

Exercise for frozen shoulders?

Frozen shoulder also known as Adhesive Capsulitis - there is an inflammation inside tour shoulder joint which prevents you from bringing your arm up - its very painful and stiff. READ MORE
Frozen shoulder also known as Adhesive Capsulitis - there is an inflammation inside tour shoulder joint which prevents you from bringing your arm up - its very painful and stiff. You need to first and foremost warm the muscles by using electrical stimulation with some warm heating pads and then bring tour shoulder to 90 degrees or as much as you can perpendicular to the floor and apply with the other hand pressure on the shoulder from too to the bottom - of course it would be best if someone does this for u - its called inferior glide mobilization - so you would simply glide the ball inside the socket from superior to inferior position in order to break those adhesions that are developed. Then you would also benefit by laying on your non effective sideway and while shoulder against your body, bend the effected elbow to 99 degrees and use 2 lbs weights do some internal and external e meaning being your elbow inward and outward while you are in the position. Corner stretches would be excellent exercise as well as walk your fingers up above your head against the wall as if u would go up the stairs but with fingers. At the end, pendulum exercise - just bring your shoulder outward while standing and let it hang loose with 2 lbs weight. After the exercise definitely ice it foe about 2” min and you should repeat this minimum 3 times per week for a few weeks and u will feel much better.

Foot Turning Inward

Very good question. How you step actually does matter for your health, especially if you participate in sports, like running. One way your foot can move when you step is called READ MORE
Very good question.
How you step actually does matter for your health, especially if you participate in sports, like running.

One way your foot can move when you step is called overpronation. Overpronation means that your foot rolls inward as you move. If you overpronate, the outer edge of your heel hits the ground first, and then your foot rolls inward onto the arch. Pronation refers to the flattening of your feet. So, if you overpronate, you overly flatten your feet.

As your arch flattens and stretches, your muscles, tendons, and ligaments are strained. You may be at a higher risk of developing certain injuries.

ankle sprains
shin splints
achilles tendinitis
heel spurs
plantar fasciitis

What needs to be done. Definitely manual ankle mobilizations, electrical modalities for pain modulation and building muscle tone by strengthening certain intrinsic group of muscles. Balance/coordination is a vital part since there is a brain tumor. Also very important therapeutic activities especially while on Treadmill and off the treadmill.

Concerning Neck Pain

Your neck lain is not because of cracking it. As a matter of fact, adjusting your neck should actually relieve the negative pressure in your neck. Most likely you pulled on a READ MORE
Your neck lain is not because of cracking it. As a matter of fact, adjusting your neck should actually relieve the negative pressure in your neck. Most likely you pulled on a muscle and put a slight pressure on the muscles. Warm compress with some anti-inflammatory creams over the counter such as bayer for muscle pain or biofreeze will help a lot. Also pharmaceutical tens unit will help release the pressure from muscle spindle fibers that are inflamed.

working out

Absolutely yes you can workout the same day - even better after rehab adjustments.

Shoulder Pain

Most likely you have an impingement of a nerve in your neck muscles. Therefore, most importantly is to work on your neck muscles by doing a few steps to release nerve compression. READ MORE
Most likely you have an impingement of a nerve in your neck muscles. Therefore, most importantly is to work on your neck muscles by doing a few steps to release nerve compression. You need to decompress your neck - email me foe some photos at
Then you need some warm anti-inflammatory topical creams such as sombra - rub it in at night. Also electrical stim would be perfect to apply with a hearing packs once a day. Self adjustments or self mobilization would be perfect. Email me for instructions.