Close The Gaps and Renew Your Smile

Dr. Mariliza Lacap Dentist Bergenfield, NJ

Dr. Mariliza LaCap is a Dentist practicing in Bergenfield, NJ. Dr. LaCap specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases and conditions associated with the mouth and overall dental health. Dentists are trained to carry out such treatment as professional cleaning, restorative, prosthodontic, and endodontic procedures,... more

When you are missing one or more teeth, you then realize just how important your teeth are to your day-to-day life. You will notice the effects, including your diet becoming limited, certain words are difficult to say, and you find yourself thinking twice before smiling. Whether you’re missing a single tooth or all of them, the available technology in dentistry today can help you renew your oral health and confidence by replacing your missing teeth.

What Happens If Left Untreated?

One missing tooth may be easy to ignore, especially if it can’t be seen in the smile, but leaving tooth loss untreated can cause many problems for someone’s oral health over time. The surrounding teeth will gradually shift into the gap, causing them to misalign. Shifting teeth will lead to a bad bite and premature wear and tear on your remaining teeth. This can lead to even more tooth loss. Fortunately, you can prevent this from happening by replacing missing teeth as soon as possible, this will save you both time and money long-term.

Dental Implants

Before dental implants, patients with missing teeth only could replace the area that was seen. While they helped with aesthetics, they were inherently less stable than the natural dental structure. Thankfully, dental implants have provided a solution. They restore an entire tooth both above and below the gum line, making them extremely durable and secure within the mouth.

Over the past two decades, dental implants have become the gold standard of tooth replacement. They do something that regular dentures and bridges simply can’t: replace an entire tooth. A small post positioned within the jawbone acts as a new tooth root to support a crown, bridge, or denture. This creates something that looks, feels, and functions just like natural teeth. Plus, with minimal maintenance, a dental implant can be trusted to last for decades, giving a patient countless happy smiles in the process.

Top 3 most frequently asked questions in our office

Q: Am I A Candidate For Dental Implant Treatment?

A: Almost everyone who is missing one or more teeth and is in general good health is a candidate for dental implant treatment. Quality and quantity of available bone for implant placement is more often a factor in qualifying for dental implants than medical conditions.

Q: Is there an age limit to get dental implants?

A: Your overall health and your desire to improve the quality of life are much more important things to look at, than your age. We currently have patients from 18 years old to 93 years old. Our then 93 year old patient is now 100 years old and still enjoying his implants.

Q: How Long Will It Take To Complete The Treatment?
A: The entire process can take anywhere between 3-9 months to complete. This depends on the type, and quantity of implants you need, along with the quality of bone in which the implants are placed.

If you have further questions you would like answered, don’t hesitate to call your dentist or give us a call at (845)406-9310 for a complimentary exam or second opinion.