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Dr. Naheed Shahid, MD


Dr. Naheed Shahid is an internist practicing in Dallas, TX. For the past 20 years, I have had the privilege of practicing the art of medicine. My extensive experience over the years both in and outside of the hospital has enabled me to tackle complex and rare medical problems with empathy. About two years ago, I broke away from the traditional style of medicine to create DFW Concierge MD, giving my patients a more personalized care approach. The goal is to give each patient more FaceTime in the office to provide a more individualized treatment plan. We understand that your time is valuable and you have immediate access to your doctor, no longer having to wait days or weeks when you are not feeling well. We have 2 locations in both Dallas and Arlington, providing urgent and primary care to the DFW Metroplex. I look forward to partnering with you on your healthcare journey.
23 years Experience
Dr. Naheed Shahid, MD
  • Dallas, TX
  • Drexel Medical University, PA
  • Accepting new patients

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