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Dr. Vincent L. Zara


Dr. Vincent Zara is a Chiropractor practicing in Floral Park, New York. Dr. Zara specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating conditions associated with the neuromusculoskeletal system, while improving each patients functionality and quality of life. Conditions treated include sciatica, neck pain, and arthritis pain, among many others. Dr. Zara seeks to reduce pain and discomfort through manipulation and adjustment of the spine.
28 years Experience
Dr. Vincent Zara
  • Floral Park, New York
  • New York Chiropractic College
  • Accepting new patients

Can a chiropractor help with migraines?

Yes various types of headaches are caused by cervical joint dysfunction And postural distortion from muscle imbalance

A mechanical cause requires a mechanical correction

Do chiropractors also prescribe medications?

If your issue is due to a mechanical dysfunction you have a very high possibility chiropractic will help you

Can a chiropractor correct my limping?

Yes if you have a mechanical dysfunction in your leg foot or pelvis may be able to be corrected. Need a examination to make determination

Can't turn head right after alignment

I recommend you get a cervical mri to determine integrity of your cervical discs

Can a chiropractor help me with a pain in the back of my thigh?

Yes, there are techniques to help strained muscles.

Very tight neck

Yes, you could benefit with a chiropractic adjustment. Massages do not correct internal issues of spinal dysfunction.

Is there a way to treat back pain arising due to long sitting hours?

Yes, postural exercise and chiropractic care

Why do I have a sharp knee pain?

Could be an internal derangement, cartilage tear, or arthritis. Get an evaluation.

Why does my back feel sore?

You may need a chiropractic adjustment. Also, your mattress firmness might be incorrect.

I am suffering from neck and shoulder pain since I was a child. What should I do?

Yes, high possibility there is a cervical issue in your neck. Get an examination from a chiropractor and an MRI.

Is slipping of a rib common with age?

Very gentle manipulation of the rib and vertebral segment back to its normal anatomical position. This will remove nerve and soft tissue pain.

I was diagnosed with gout. Can a chiropractor help me manage the pain?

After the acute phase, gentle therapies with manipulation may help you.

My ankle hurts even after I walk a mile. What could be the reason for this?

Possible misalignment of the foot ligament or tendon inflammation. Orthotics may help recommend examination

My left shoulder is broader than the right. Is this a growth problem?

You will need a postural and skeletal examination to determine the cause. No one is symmetrical.

I have a problem with my posture that is causing back pain. What should I do?

Greetings, There are many exercises you can do to improve posture. Most issues are caused by weak structural muscles. Chiropractic adjustments combined with specific exercises READ MORE
There are many exercises you can do to improve posture. Most issues are caused by weak structural muscles. Chiropractic adjustments combined with specific exercises can help restore more a normal posture. See your chiropractor. 
Yours in health,
Dr. Z