Who Is a Candidate for Mommy Makeover?

Dr. Aric Aghayan Plastic Surgeon Portland, OR

Dr. Aric Aghayan is a cosmetic medicine and surgery specialist practicing in Portland, OR. Dr. Aghayan specializes in the enhancement of appearance. Improving aesthetic, symmetry and proportion are key goals in cosmetic surgery.

Having children is one of life’s blessings, but it can mean you have to put your needs and preferences aside for the sake of your kids.

As a result, many women find that they have difficulty getting their pre-pregnancy bodies back. Most women want to look like they did before they had children, but diet and exercise don’t always do the trick.

That’s why the mommy makeover has surged in popularity in the last 10 years. A mommy makeover is a series of cosmetic procedures done at once to minimize the expense and recovery time.

Every mommy makeover is different, but these procedures usually include:

Some women also have facial procedures as part of their mommy makeover, including a facelift, Botox, or dermal fillers. Your plastic surgeon can include almost any cosmetic procedure in your mommy makeover.

Why Are Mommy Makeovers Popular?

Pregnancy is lovely, but it can be hard on a woman’s body. Some of the changes you might see can be hard to reverse with diet and exercise. Also, there are changes to the body that are difficult to change without surgery.

For example, excessive belly fat, loose abdominal skin, and sagging breasts are common problems after pregnancy and childbirth. Unfortunately, there is little someone can do to treat these problems on their own. Plastic surgery is often the answer.

The mommy makeover has surged in popularity because new mothers see their family and friends who have had the procedure. In addition, plastic surgery is more affordable and accepted today, and these factors also have made the mommy makeover more popular.

Good Candidates For A Mommy Makeover

A mommy makeover is an excellent choice for many people, but not everyone is a good candidate. Below are some of the factors that may make you a good candidate for this procedure.

You Are In Good Health

You should have no significant medical problems and be fit for surgery. This procedure requires general anesthesia and several weeks of recovery, so people in good general health are the best candidates.

You Are Near Your Goal Weight

A mommy makeover is best for patients who are in good health and do not drink or smoke. It also is essential that you have lost as much weight as you can and are close to your ideal body weight.

If you want a mommy makeover after pregnancy, you should have lost most of your ‘baby weight’ before having surgery. You can talk to your plastic surgeon about your weight loss goals and if you’re ready for a mommy makeover.

If you weigh the same as you did before you were pregnant but have loose belly skin, extra abdominal fat, and sagging breasts, a mommy makeover could be for you.

But if you still have some of your pregnancy weight, you should wait until you have lost more weight before having a mommy makeover.

You Won’t Have More Children

If you want more children, you can still have a mommy makeover. But another pregnancy will undo most of your results, and you’ll need revision surgery.

That’s why surgeons recommend that you should be finished building your family before having a mommy makeover. There isn’t any point in having a mommy makeover if the work will be undone by another pregnancy.

You Had A C-Section

A C-section can leave you with scarring in the abdomen, which is the type of issue that a mommy makeover can fix. This procedure also is an excellent option if you had a hernia during childbirth.

You Gave Birth Months Ago

Childbirth can be traumatic on your body, so you need a few months to recover. Unfortunately, most surgeons won’t perform a mommy makeover until you wait six months after having your last child.

You Haven’t Breastfed In Six Months

Breastfeeding changes the shape of the breasts, so you should wait several months after breastfeeding before having a mommy makeover.

It will take at least six months after breastfeeding for your breasts to return to something near their standard shape.

You Have Realistic Expectations

A mommy makeover can do wonders for your body, but you shouldn’t expect miracles. Your doctor will talk to you to determine if you have a realistic outlook. This is important because if your goals are unrealistic, no amount of plastic surgery will help.


A mommy makeover can make a dramatic, positive change in your appearance. Between liposuction, a tummy tuck, breast augmentation, and other procedures, a mommy makeover can give you back your pre-pregnancy body.

However, you should talk to your plastic surgeon to decide if you’re a good candidate for this serious surgical procedure.


Mommy Makeover Procedure by Dr. Aric Aghayan, M.D. (n.d.). Accessed at https://www.apresplasticsurgery.com/procedures/body/mommy-makeover-portland-or/

Who Is A Good Candidate For A Mommy Makeover? (n.d.). Accessed at https://www.plasticsurgery.org/cosmetic-procedures/mommy-makeover/candidates

Are You A Good Candidate For A Mommy Makeover? (n.d.). Accessed at https://www.plasticsurgery.org/news/blog/are-you-a-good-candidate-for-a-mommy-makeover