How Tracking Your Monthly Cycle Can Help You Determine When You Ovulate

Ms. Alyson Lynne Alford Naturopath Henderson, NV

Dr. Aly Alford is a naturopathic Doctor practicing in Henderson, NV. Dr. Alford specializes in Fertility related issues and treatment. Dr. Alford combines holistic healing methods with lab testing and individual nutrtion/ supplement plans.  Naturopathic Doctors place a strong emphasis on natural remedies that add to... more

Unsure of when you will start your monthly cycle?

Not sure when you ovulate?

Tracking your cycle is the easiest way to determine this.

You will need a Basal Body Thermometer, this is not a regular thermometer. You will take your temperature every day, at the same time by mouth. You will need to do this before getting out of bed. You can write down the temperature in a notebook along with the date and time, or there are many apps that help with this.

Now you might be thinking, how can we gather what we need but not draw any labs. Let me explain.

Progesterone should be secreted by the corpus luteum, the body temperature will increase. When progesterone decreases, so does the body temperature. 

What happens if there is minimal body temperature change? This is when we could talk about specific labs that can pinpoint potential hormonal issues.

Questions? Please feel free to reach out.
