Is It Possible to Restore Your Natural Teeth After Getting Dental Veneers?

Dr. Nicholas Hawrylyshyn Dentist Mississauga, Ontario

Dr. Nick Hawrylyshyn, affectionately known as Dr. Nick in his practice, graduated from the University of Toronto in 1980. With a lifelong passion for dentistry, he has spent over 25 years caring for his patients' oral health. Dr. Hawrylyshyn offers a wide range of general dentistry services, including wisdom teeth oral... more

What Are Veneers?

Veneers are a commonly sought dental procedure, often perceived as a means to attain a flawless smile. These veneers consist of exceptionally thin layers of porcelain or composite materials affixed to the surface of your enamel. They serve the dual purpose of enhancing your smile's aesthetics and fortifying your teeth against potential damage.

Veneers offer solutions to a diverse range of dental issues, including:

  • Addressing gaps between teeth
  • Rectifying misshapen or crooked teeth
  • Eliminating discoloration or stains
  • Mitigating the effects of wear and tear
  • Repairing chips and cracks

Moreover, veneers can lend a consistent and harmonious appearance to your smile. Their porcelain composition renders them naturally resistant to staining and discoloration over time.

The process of acquiring dental veneers in Mississauga, commences with an initial consultation to evaluate your suitability for the procedure. If deemed appropriate, the subsequent step involves minimal enamel removal from the front surface of the tooth. This preparatory step facilitates the precise placement and bonding of the veneer. Detailed impressions of the tooth are taken and forwarded to a dental laboratory, where customized veneers are meticulously crafted.

Upon completion, the dentist will meticulously prepare the tooth before applying an adhesive material to its surface. The veneer is then carefully positioned, adjusted for fit and color, and secured using a specialized curing light. The outcome is a stunning, naturally appealing smile, which can endure for up to a decade with proper care.

It is worth noting that while veneers can address multiple dental imperfections, they are a relatively costly cosmetic dental treatment that typically isn't covered by insurance. Due to their thin nature, veneers may be more susceptible to chipping and breakage than natural teeth. Consequently, if you're contemplating veneers, it's crucial to engage in thorough discussions with a cosmetic dentist in Mississauga to make an informed decision. Additionally, the longevity and health of your veneers can be extended by maintaining excellent oral hygiene, steering clear of hard or chewy foods, and adhering to regular dental check-ups.

Can You Reverse Veneers?

Veneers are designed to conceal dental imperfections, such as stains, chips, or gaps. However, once veneers are affixed, it becomes unfeasible to revert to your natural teeth. This is due to the slight removal of enamel from the teeth to accommodate the veneers. While it is technically possible to remove them, your teeth will have a different appearance without them, and they may exhibit increased vulnerability and sensitivity. If you are contemplating veneers, it's imperative to engage in detailed consultations with a local dentist in Mississauga to make an informed choice. Furthermore, maintaining meticulous oral hygiene, avoiding hard or chewy foods, and adhering to regular dental check-ups can prolong the lifespan of your veneers and safeguard your dental health.

How to Maintain Your Teeth After Veneers

After the placement of veneers, it is imperative to adopt proper maintenance practices to ensure their durability:

  • Regularly brush and floss your teeth, employing a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste to eliminate plaque and bacteria, similar to caring for natural teeth.
  • Refrain from biting or chewing on hard objects, as veneers can be prone to chipping or cracking upon impact.
  • Schedule bi-annual checkups and cleanings with your Mississauga dentist to guarantee the enduring condition of your veneers and to prevent any potential issues.

Alternatives to Veneers

If you are concerned about the permanence of veneers and wish to explore other options, several alternatives can be considered:

  • Dental bonding, which can deliver a comparable appearance to veneers without their level of permanence. However, bonding may necessitate more frequent upkeep and may not offer the same long-lasting results.
  • Tooth contouring, a less invasive procedure than veneers that can reshape teeth for a more uniform appearance, although it may not be as transformative for your smile.


Veneers present an appealing means to transform your teeth and achieve the smile you desire. It is essential to comprehend that once applied, veneers cannot be removed, signifying a permanent alteration. Nevertheless, with meticulous post-veneer care, including regular check-ups and cleanings with your trusted dentist near you, you can anticipate enduring and exceptional results.

For more information about dental veneers and what to anticipate, visit Square One Dental, your trusted dentist in Mississauga, ON.