Healthy Living

These Are the Best Anti-Inflammatory Teas for Lupus

These Are the Best Anti-Inflammatory Teas for Lupus

Living with an autoimmune disease is never easy. The body’s system seems to be blind in attacking its own organs or cells once it considers these as foreign elements that are trying to invade it. Lupus, also known as systemic lupus erythematosus, is a well-known autoimmune disease that affects approximately 5 million people in the world. Just like other autoimmune diseases, lupus is also characterized by inflammation, which is the result of the body attacking itself in a specific area of a patient's body. This inflammation can cause a number of issues for patients, even affecting their mobility.

Though some lupus patients are still able to continue living their lives happily, some patients are unfortunately constantly bothered by lupus symptoms, specifically inflammation. This has caused some lupus patients to look into looking for more natural treatments of lupus, rather than taking the conventional treatments that the doctors prescribe.

The conventional treatment

The usual treatment for lupus can involve patients taking multiple medications at once. Some are even told that it takes a lot of ‘experimenting’ and that combinations of medicines are needed in order to control all of the symptoms experienced. However, with this, sides effects such as anxiety and drug dependence may occur. And, these are just some of the others risks that conventional ways of treating lupus may bring.

The natural remedy

Fortunately enough, natural remedies have only been around the corner to help lupus patients out. One of the natural lupus treatments and remedies is drinking tea. Historically, tea, in general, was already considered as a medical drink. It has a long history, originating from China. It's said to have started during the time of Emperor Shennong when leaves from an overhanging Camellia sinensis plant suddenly fell into the emperor’s cup. Though it sounds fictitious, the healing properties of tea have already been proven. Moreover, recently a new study has again proven that. The study indicated the considerable contribution of tea’s healing properties to lupus patients.

Below are the health benefits of tea:

  • Tea’s antioxidant offers considerable benefits for the heart.
  • Tea has polyphenol compounds that are believed to help prevent cancer.
  • Tea is said to lower the pH of the tooth surface, which suppresses the growth of periodontal bacteria; thus, it’s surprisingly good for the teeth, too.
  • Tea is a great aid in weight loss.
  • Tea has less caffeine content than coffee.
  • Green tea is considered to be a stress reliever due to the presence of L-theanine.
  • Tea is good for bone density.
  • Tea has a potential to protect drinkers from ultraviolet rays of the sun.
  • Some kinds of tea can fight depression and anxiety.

Read on to learn more about the best teas that can help ease inflammation for lupus patients.