
1 What is Z-Clinz?

Brand: Z-Clinz 10, Z-Clinz 5, Duac, BenzaClin with pump, BenzaClin, Acanya

Generic: Benzoyl Peroxide and Clindamycin Topical

Z-Clinz is a topical antibiotic drug, used to treat acne. It is a drug combination of benzoyl peroxide and clindamycin.

Benzoyl peroxide kills bacteria and removes oil and dirt on the skin through its mild drying effect. While clindamycin, inhibits and eliminates bacterial growth on the skin.

Read your medication guide and follow your doctor’s prescription at all times.

  • Apply Z-Clinz on the affected skin (topically), 2 times a day (morning and night) per doctor’s prescription.
  • Wash hands before and after Z-Clinz application. Use a mild cleanser on face/ affected skin, rinse properly and pat dry before applying this medication.
  • The dosage depends on your medical condition or treatment response. Do not adjust your dose without your doctor’s recommendation.
  • Keep Z-Clinz away from the eyes, nose, mouth or lips. Never apply this medication on broken skin. Rinse thoroughly with water once Z-Clinz gets in contact with these body areas.
  • Continue using Z- Clinz on a regular schedule (same time of the day). Do not stop taking this medication abruptly without consulting your doctor.

Inform your doctor immediately if your condition aggravates or does not improve. Apply your missed dose as soon as possible. However, make sure that the time interval between the missed and the next dose is not too close.

Otherwise, stick with the regular schedule and leave out the missed dose. Do not double dose to cover up a missed dose. Record your missed dose and inform your doctor immediately if you missed several doses.

Z-Clinz may interact with:

  • Topical or oral preparation of erythromycin (i.e. Akne-Mycin, E.E.S., Emcin Clear, Eryderm, Erygel, EryPed, Ery-Tab, Erythra-Derm, Erythrocin, Ery-Sol, Pediazole and other brands)

Some drugs may either lessen the beneficial effects or worsen the side effects of Z- Clinz. Likewise, Z- Clinz may make some drugs less efficient or intensify their side effects.

Make sure to inform your doctor about all other drugs you are currently taking or using (prescribed and non-prescribed medications including vitamins, minerals, and herbal products) to check for possible drug interaction with Z- Clinz.

Never alter the doses of other medications while on Z- Clinz neither stop nor start any medicine without the doctor’s recommendation.

Side Effects: There are no side effects known aside from a possible allergic reaction in people who have previous or unknown hypersensitivity to the drug.

Watch out for signs of allergic reactions such as:

  • Rash
  • Itching
  • Swelling

Before taking Z-Clinz, tell your health care provider if you have/are:

  • Any allergies to any substance, food or medication, particularly to Z- Clinz, benzoyl peroxide or clindamycin
  • Medical history or a present condition such as:
  • Pregnant, planning to get pregnant or currently breastfeeding a child (It is unknown if Z- Clinz can harm the unborn child but it can pass through breast milk that may harm the nursing child).
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