1 What is a Lung Volume Reduction Surgery?

Lung volume reduction surgery is a surgery used to improve breathing in people who have severe emphysema – a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

The small wedges of damaged lung tissue will be removed to allow the remaining tissue to function better during surgery. There will be an evaluation first before the surgery.

The result in some people is less shortness of breath and can to exercises.

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2 Reasons for Procedure

Here are the most common reasons to undergo a lung volume reduction surgery.

Many people who suffer from emphysema have portions of the lung which are more affected than others.

By reducing the lung size, the remaining lung and surrounding muscles (intercostals and diaphragm) are able to work more efficiently is how this procedure works.

This makes breathing easier and helps patients achieve a greater quality of life.

3 Potential Risks

The major risks associated with lung volume reduction surgery include:

4 Preparing for your Procedure

In preparing for your lung volume reduction surgery, you must follow your doctor’s orders.

To determine whether your may benefit from lung volume reduction surgery is the main goal of the evaluation process.

This evaluation is also an opportunity to optimize all aspects of care critical to the good quality of life for someone with emphysema, including physical activity, stress reduction, medications, oxygen requirements, smoking cessation or anything else identified by your team of doctors and therapists.

The evaluation will include:

  • Confirmation of the type of advanced emphysema that benefits most from surgery.
  • A clinical, imaging and physiological evaluation including tests of your heart and lung function, a CT scan of your lungs to assess the severity and location of the emphysema, and exercise tests
  • Initiation of the process of pulmonary rehabilitation.

5 What to Expect

Here you can find out what to expect from your lung volume reduction surgery.

You will be referred to a thoracic surgeon who specializes in surgical procedures of the organs in the chest.

He will remove smell wedges of damaged lung tissue to allow the remaining tissue to function better.

The diaphragm contracts and relaxes more efficiency and effectively as a result of the procedure.

6 Procedure Results

Understanding the results of your lung volume reduction surgery will be made possible by your doctor.

The benefits of lung volume reduction surgery include:

  • Improved lung function.
  • Relief of shortness of breath.
  • May decrease need for supplemental oxygen.
  • Improved ability to function at normal daily activities.
  • Increased energy level and physical mobility.

7 Related Clinical Trials
