Ophthalmologist Questions

25M - Experiencing blurry vision symptoms after taking LSD around 25 days after my ICL procedure

I dropped some acid earlier today 25 days after my ICL procedure. I am currently experiencing blurry vision with sunbursts, halos, and some double vision. Some mild pain in my right eye as well. Will my eyes go back to normal after the LSD wears off?? Please help.

Male | 25 years old

2 Answers

Best to see what occurs after LDS wears off. If persistent issues then check with your surgeon about an eye exam. Not uncommon for some glare and blurring temporarily after surgery though-
Recommend you see your personal physician who can refer you to an ophthalmologist if eye or vision symptom persists. You can google medical literature on LSD interactions and untoward effects on the different body organ systems.