Gastroenterologist Questions

Abdomen Pain

I had a sharp pain in the middle of my stomach by my breast bone for about a minute. It went away and then I had bloating and gas. I took gas-x and it went away however 2 days later I had bad gas and stomach pains because I had to hold it until I got home. Then I went to the bathroom had a bowel movement and the pain again and went away. My abdomen was sore for a couple of days. Now is ok but just wondering what it was. I went on a picnic ate a steak and rich piece of cake two days before this happened. It happened in the morning after I ate some applesauce.

Female | 64 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days of shortness
Medications: Zoloft

2 Answers

This could be just gas pains from something you ate, or perhaps you were slightly backed up from constipation. Acid reflux is also a possibility. In any case, if the symptoms were short-lived and are not a chronic problem, I wouldn't worry. If this symptoms become recurrent, I would contact your provider so you can be seen in the office. Be well!
Pain relieved by bowel movement is usually from stretching or contraction of the colon. It sounds like some degree of irritable bowel syndrome.