Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

Boyfriend's stomach?

He has had the symptoms for the past 72 hours or more. He is vomiting, every time he moves or sits up. He has hiccups and burps that smell like eggs. With stabbing pains in his stomach all over, not one specific spot. His eyes are blurry in and out. He is on no medications. He just vomited last around 4am, December 3rd before I sent this. It looked like a piece of bread expanded in water a full piece. But hasn't eaten anything of the sort. What could this be?

Male | 36 years old
Complaint duration: 3-6 days
Medications: None
Conditions: None

3 Answers

He should’ve been evaluated by a physician by now. Hope he’s better.
There are a lot of possibilities. He should be seen and rehydrated in the ED
It sounds like the stomach is not emptying. Food retained in the stomach. But this is mere speculation given that this is a limited history, second-hand. Needs evaluation at ER or urgent care.