Doctor Questions Doctor

Burning pain on my arm?

I have been getting a burning pain in my right arm. Dr says it’s my ancillary nerves. And put me on prebegalin. This pain is excruciating when it comes on and that patch is getting bigger. It burns stings and is painful all at the same time. The fact it’s spreading is worrying.

Female | 62 years old
Complaint duration: 3 months
Conditions: Arthritis

1 Answer

The sensation is burning, or pins and needles, and is generally a symptom of a nerve injury. The location of the injury which would cause arm symptoms is most likely in the neck or deep within the upper chest or shoulder. Typically an MRI of the neck, and shoulder and a CAT scan of the chest are done looking for the cause of the pain. An EMG (electrical testing of nerve and muscle function) can also sometimes be helpful. You are certainly appropriate in your concern if the area involved is enlarging.

Leon Rosenberg