Neonatal Medicine Questions Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Specialist

Can breastfeeding damage my breasts?

I am a nursing mother. Can breastfeeding damage my breasts?

2 Answers

No, Ma'am. Breastfeeding will not damage your breasts. You will notice changes to your breasts during breastfeeding, but these are normal. They will get larger and firmer. You will notice a tingle during milk let down.
Signs that there are issues are pain in a breast with redness and warmth and inability to let down milk. If you notice this, let your provider know. It is called mastitis. It is very treatable with heat application and sometimes antibiotics.
Damage? It depends on the size of your breasts. As we get older, our breasts may begin to sag. It's not an easy question. There are many factors that are in play. Genetics is the most reliable predictor. Did your Mothers breast sag? Weight gain and loss also play into this. This may also happen if you do or don't breast feed. It's the law of gravity. What is up, will come down. I hope this answered your question. Congratulations on a new baby!Sent from my U.S.Cellular© Smartphone
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