Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Can optic nerve damage be fixed?

I was diagnosed with optic nerve damage. Can optic nerve damage be fixed?

7 Answers

No unfortunately
unfortunately not
since the eye is part of the nervous system it cannot usually be repaired much like a spinal cord injury
Depending on nature of damage being done. You need to get a diagnosis first. Is it glaucoma, neuritis, etc?
There are too many types of optic nerve damage to list. The optic nerve is cranial nerve #2. The 10 layers of the retina help process information to the optic nerve then to your brain in order to see. The obvious question for you is, "what type of optic nerve damage have you experienced?" Under most circumstances, optic nerve damage is not correctable and whatever the problem, it should be monitored by an ophthalmologist/retinal specialist in order to dilate your eyes and check your optic nerves as needed, have visual field tests done, have your eye pressures checked to rule out glaucoma, and have your general health of the eyes and prescription checked. Good luck and best wishes.
No optic nerve damage is permanent and cannot be reversed.
If it’s glaucoma , you need tests and then
The optic nerves are really not nerves but rather brain pathways and don’t regenerate. Injury might be reversed but the death of cells is permanent.