OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Can you get rid of uterine fibroids without surgery?

I was diagnosed with uterine fibroids and want to treat them. Can you get rid of uterine fibroids without surgery?

6 Answers

You can get rid of uterine fibroids with a minimally invasive procedure called Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE). It's a procedure that can be done in an outpatient office setting under moderate (conscious) sedation by an Interventional Radiologist. It is usually a same-day procedure where you come in in the morning and go home later the same day. Typically we access the arterial system via the right groin or left wrist. We use small catheters and wires to navigate the arteries down to the artery feeding the fibroid. We confirm with IV dye that we are in the correct vessel. Once confirmed, we inject small particles (like grains of sand) into the artery and they float downstream to the fibroids and stop the blood supply from feeding the fibroid. With the loss of blood supply, the fibroid starts shrinking over time. At the end of the procedure, the catheters and wires are pulled out and a compression bandage is applied. You don't even get stitches.
There is a minimally invasive procedure through a microincision in the groin to treat fibroids called uterine fibroid embolization. This is done as an outpatient. This is less invasive than a hysterectomy or myomectomy which are done in the operating room with general anesthesia.
Absolutely yes ! Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) is an outstanding nonsurgical treatment option. It has a very high success rate ( 90%). It's outpatient; with patients discharged the same day with just a bandaid. UFE is safer, less invasive, less expensive, and much shorter recovery than surgery. Learn more about fibroids and UFE at ATLii.com.
Uterine artery embolization is an option to consider! Your age, extent of disease and co-morbidities would have to be all taken into consideration.
Uterine fibroids can be treated with several minimally invasive procedures including Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE). During that procedure the doctor inserts a small catheter into the artery in your groin or wrist and directs it to the fibroids. This allows him/her to inject tiny particles to block the blood supply to the tumors causing them to die and shrink. It is most commonly done as an outpatient procedure. You can go to our website www.HoustonFibroids.com to get more information. Have a great day!
Not all of them, especially if they are greater than 3 cm. Try embolization as an option.