Rheumatologist Questions Fibromyalgia

Fibro nobody knows

I went to a few Drs and they just thinking that are faking at my pain???

Female | 53 years old
Complaint duration: 2016

6 Answers

Find a good doctor and work with that office to help you with your pain
I do not know enough about your condition to even guess what is going on. Fibromyalgia can be triggered by any chronic pain syndrome.
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Chronic pain syndrome(Fibromyalgia) is a condition, characterized by three different problems:
1: source of the pain can be osteoarthritis or other possible problems, chronic pain leads to decreased activity, which leads to de-conditioning of the muscles to the point that any activity more than usual leads to soreness in muscles.
2: sleep problems
3: depression/anxiety
Treatment of the condition includes addressing all three problems together.
1. Structured exercise program
2. Treatment of sleep problems like obstructive sleep apnea
3. Treatment of depression and anxiety
I am sorry that you have not gotten help. Fibromyalgia is a real chronic disease like high blood pressure and diabetes. It is a challenging diagnosis due to the lack of standardized tests. You need to see a rheumatologist. When you see a rheumatologist, they will make sure you do not have any other underlying autoimmune diseases. They might also help you learn more about this condition.
I would suggest you visit this website to learn more: https://fibroguide.med.umich.edu/

Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, fibromyalgia can be tricky because it is essentially a diagnosis of exclusion, we have limited therapies, and these can be insufficient to address fibromyalgia symptoms.
We are hoping research on new therapeutics catches up with our need for treatment :)!

Thanks so very much!

Best regards,
See a Rheumatologist for a better opinion.