Colon & Rectal Surgeon Questions Colon and Rectal Surgeon

How long do you stay in the hospital after colon resection?

I will have a colon resection. How long do you stay in the hospital after colon resection?

5 Answers

Average is three days if done by minimally invasive method
Everyone is differnt
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Up to 7 days , it depends.
This is hard to answer because it depends on their strength, their vitality, their comorbidities, and other issues, including the length of colon removed. So there's really no set answer to this question.
The amount of time you spend in the hospital after colon surgery can vary drastically. Typically for myself when I am able to do these via a camera called laparoscopy, most people are in the hospital for two days or so. If this is done by a large incision, called an open procedure, you may be in the hospital up to a week. Obviously, these numbers can vary, depending upon other risk factors and potential complications.