Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Nose Injuries and Disorders

I have a bump in my nose

I have a flat, very hard "bump" just inside my left nostril. I noticed it about 5 days ago when I developed a cold. I believe the cold and this nose thing are unrelated because I also have a nasty cough and headache which are getting better. This abnormality doesn't hurt, however it has feeling and is hard like cartilage. It doesn't restrict anything. I am currently taking Mucus relief medication and vitamin C, nothing new for me. This however is. Just wanted to mention it inside only my left nostril. If it matters, I do quite frequently pick my nose

Male | 14 years old
Complaint duration: 4-5 days
Medications: Mucus relief, Vitamin C
Conditions: Mild cold at the Moment

1 Answer

Stop picking your nose, and stop touching it. There is cartilage inside the structure of your nose, under very thin skin. The more your irritate and pick at it, you increase the possibility that it will become infected, or that a fibroma will form (scar tissue). Use aquaphor on a q tip to soothe it and stop touching it.
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