Doctor Questions Doctor

I have a headache, neck pain, and back pain?

I've been having very painful headaches and neck pain along with stabbing pain in the middle left side of my back as well as bottom left of my back. I woke up this morning feeling good but once I smoked a cigarette the symptoms came back. Any ideas of why that's happening?

Male | 39 years old
Complaint duration: 5 days
Medications: Albuterol inhaler
Conditions: Asthma

3 Answers

This is too easy, I suspect if you get X-rays, they will show degeneration of the spine specifically the facet joints. Things that will help are diclofenac patches or gel applied to painful areas. Also the bone and connective tissues don’t get sufficient oxygen to heal small or large injuries in a patient who smokes, thus the forces of degradation outpace healing so the net result is degeneration.
I can’t explain why smoking makes your headache worse. Unless it’s your body telling you not to smoke. Your symptom locations sound to be in muscular locations.
Smoking with asthma is not a good idea. Your headache and back pain are somewhat concerning for problem(s) involving both brain and spinal cord. I suggest talking to your primary for referral to a Neurologist to evaluate such.