Oncologist Questions Oncologist

Is it almost a foregone conclusion that I have breast cancer?

I had architectural distortion which showed up on screening, diagnostic mammogram, and ultrasound. I have some tenderness in the chest area and some slight sensations in the breast from time to time. The shoulder has been sensitive, with a dull ache in the bicep area but it goes away. I carried "a lot" of bags a month (do so from time to time but this was way more than usual) ago but not sure if I did something there or not but I rushed to get a mammogram. (I haven't had one in eight years and voila) Now I am terrified based on what I have read due to the fact that the AD is persistent in my case. I just read a comment by someone who had the same results on the imaging and was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had the ultrasound done elsewhere but they had access to my CDs and it also showed a slight distortion. The doctor also saw a cyst. They are now referring me to the major breast center where I will probably have a biopsy done.

Female | 64 years old

2 Answers

80% chance it’s not anything to worry about but definitely needs a biopsy. The new mammograms pick up things so much better. It may have been on old imaging but just not been seen.

You are asking a variety of questions and are trying to put them all together with a diagnosis of breast cancer. However, the constellation of symptoms can be due to numerous causes. Among these are muscular strains from carrying packages. You make no mention of having any discrete masses.

Without a positive biopsy, there can be no diagnosis of breast cancer. You can learn more about breast cancer at the website of the National Comprehensive Network and look at their patient information resources. (www.nccn.org)

I think that a referral to a breast center is an excellent idea. I presume that you will be evaluated by an internist/oncologist who can do a history and physical examination and provide counseling on how to further proceed.