Hematologist (Blood Specialist) Questions Hematologist-Oncologist

Low WBC after covid?

I am looking for some (hopefully) reassurance in regards to a low WBC after covid. I am a 39 year old female in good health with no underlying health conditions that would be an issue. A few days into covid I wasn't feeling well and went to get fluids. They checked my WBC count and it was 2.85. They said this can happen to some people with a virus. My primary care doctor said the same and said we will recheck it at my next physical in September. I am a person that has anxiety and this is making me nervous.

Female | 39 years old
Medications: Multivitamin, vitamin d
Conditions: Generalized anxiety

1 Answer

A low WBC has been reported after Covid infections. Your doctor is correct as Covid is a viral infection. Yours is not too low and as along as the differential count is okay and you feel well, your should recover overtime.
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