Dermatologist Questions Dermapathologist

Mysterious bruises?

I keep getting random bruises on my arms and legs that I have no idea what I would have hit to cause them. I never had issues with bruising and am not one to bruise easily. I was reading that bruising easily could be a sign of cancer. Should I be concerned? The picture is just of one of the bruises.

Male | 27 years old
Complaint duration: 2 months
Conditions: N/A

2 Answers


You are a27 year old person who is noticing bruising on various parts of your body.

This is a condition that is difficult to specifically answer. Generally your body protects against bleeding and bruising through one’s platelets. These are very tiny cells that circulate and plug holes that they find in circulation. However there are various disorders that can cause a lower platelet count or non-functioning of platelets. Additionally gentle trauma to your skin can cause bruising. Medicines such as aspirin or anti-arthritis drugs can increase the incidence of bruising.

Is is best to see your doctor who can order appropriate tests to determine the cause. If you have started aspirin therapy recently it’s effects on platelets can last for several days. Other medications have shorter durations of effect on platelets.

Good luck.
Yes it could be
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