Orthopedist Questions Orthopedist

Plantar fasciitis?

I have recently developed a painful heel which the hospital diagnosed as plantar fasciitis. Could you give me any tips please for remedies/ treatment? I am keen to continue with exercise ( walking, Zumba, exercise bike, step exerciser, vibroplate) as I need to keep my weight down and suffer from osteopenia/osteoporosis so your advice in respect of this would be appreciated.
Many thanks

Female | 68 years old
Complaint duration: 2 weeks
Medications: Sodium risedronate
Conditions: Osteoporosis

3 Answers

NSAIDs, arch supports, knight splint, stretching , rolling with water bottle, PT, steroid injection
There are many stretches to do online as well as wearing a night splint.

Good luck,

Robert D. Swift, DO, FAOAO
Plantar fasciitis is an inflammatory affliction of the tissue on the bottom of the foot that attaches from the toes to the base of the heel. Usually this manifests as pain on the bottom of the heel and pain with the first few steps in the morning after being in bed all night. Sometimes this inflammation will cause the body to make a heel spur to support the tissue attachment to the heel. For this to improve, the attachment of the tissue (fascia) to the heel bone must be strengthened. Stretching exercises for the plantar fascia start with the foot flat on the floor and leaning forward to stretch the tendon. This usually feels like an achilles stretch, but with enough angle between the foot and the rest of the leg, you will feel it in the bottom of the foot. This can then be increased by putting the balls of the toes on a stair and allowing the heel to drop and stretch the achilles and plantar fascia. When this is easy to do, the next step is to start pushing up while on the stair to stand only on your toes, which will be the strengthening phase.

Jeffrey R. Carlson, MD