Dermapathologist Questions Dermapathologist

Red/purple splotches on skin?

I am a 19 year old female. I noticed the skin on my legs (especially around the thighs) and the back of my hands is often blotchy with those purple, red-ish splotches. Same thing on the upper skin on my feet. Not always so noticeable, sometimes it seems completely gone, but it is often like this. The thing on my hands I noticed it starting maybe two years ago? But it wasn’t as bad like these past months. It’s not itchy, and when I rub the back of my hands, the splotches seem to almost disappear (but come back within minutes). It’s only on the back of my hands, not on my palms/fingers. If I take a very hot shower, the splotches on my legs seem to disappear but I get red spots instead, like a rash (but not itchy). My fingernails (of the hands) can also sometimes have a slightly purple/blue-ish color. My lower legs/feet and hands are often really cold. I am planning on going to see the doctor for other concerns (heavy hair loss issue & my leg joints/bone? pain) and will bring that up, but I still would appreciate someone telling me what it could possibly be since I’ll have to wait quite a while before getting my appointment.

Female | 19 years old
Complaint duration: On hands 2 years, legs I do not know but 5 months for sure.
Conditions: Tachycardia, cardiologist doesn’t know the cause, I still have a bunch of tests to do.

1 Answer

This might be what you call Petechiae and I see you stated that it started two years ago have you had the COVID before .
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