Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) | Otolaryngic Allergy Questions Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT)


My mother is 91 and has severe rhinorrhea. She has tried all antihistamines and used all the nasal sprays. She is currently taking Zyrtec and uses nasalcrom. Nothing seems to help. Is there anything else she could try?

Female | 91 years old
Complaint duration: 3 years
Medications: Zyrtec, norvasc, omeprazole, Celebrex, vitamin C, daily multivitamin
Conditions: HBP, GERD

1 Answer

Appears that you have seen a number of doctors. Any ENT doctor? May have indications for CT scan of sinuses and nasal endoscopy. If you have not been prescribed Atrovent nasal nasal spray, it be worth a trial
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