Rheumatologist Questions Knee Problems

Should I exercise anymore?

After experiencing bouts of knee pain for 6+ months I was diagnosed with RA. It runs in my mother's side of the family too. I don't want to hurt my knees - what exercises should I be doing? Typically I run 2 miles twice a week and ride my bike sporadically 2-5 miles on the other days. Should I stop?

6 Answers

you should always do any excercise as tolerated only, do not overdo and go to doctor for evaluation for RA as well as OA. Do warm and cold compression massage.

Thank you for your question. Regarding exercise and RA, the rule is that you can do exercise if it’s comfortable for you. There is nothing specific you can or cannot do.
Thanks so much!

Best regards,

Dr. Brionez
The answer is yes, patients with rheumatoid arthritis should still exercise. They should not do any kind of exercise that repeatedly or overuses inflamed joints but particularly low-impact exercises a like cycling are very good.
usually walking is very helpful without damage.
I recommend that patients whose RA is active avoid all but the most gentle exercise. Once the disease is in better control, moderate exercise is fine.
As long as you don't have joint damage to the knees
and ankles, it is ok to run. Start slow and get a sense
of how your joints are feeling. If with any pain at all, you
should slow down and consider swimming or aqua exercises.
The key is to get the heart rate up for cardiovascular well-
being and this can be done through many different exercises.
Have your Rheumatologist exam your joints before
starting any exercise program.