Infectious Disease Specialist Questions Infectious Disease Specialist

Vaccine in-between vaccines?

I did not have any childhood vaccinations and so am doing them now (Im 45). I received my MMR first dose two and a half months ago and had an appointment for the second dose on 21 December 2021.
However, I received an appointment for Covid 19 third dose (booster) on 23 December 2021. So, I would like to know, is it safe for me to receive the Covid 19 booster in between the two MMR doses? And all quite close?

Female | 45 years old

4 Answers

It is definitely okay to get the vaccines that close together, although you do increase your risk of feeling worse because of the vaccine combination. I personally received influenza and the booster at the same time. I did fine with it. Separating the vaccines by a couple days is completely reasonable. If you were looking to prioritize one of the vaccines, I would absolutely get the booster. Omicron is spreading quickly throughout the US and that is the best way to avoid any serious illness from that particular variant.

Andrew Jameson, MD, FACP, FIDSA, AAHIVS
Thanks for the question.
In fact, it is quite safe.

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Just received this after your dates. Generally not a problem. If you change, I would have delayed the mmr by 30 days.
Yes. Postpone the MMR for a month and get the Covid vaccine as scheduled.