Gastroenterologist Questions Celiac Disease

What food groups should be avoided for those suffering from celiac disease?

I have recently been diagnosed with celiac disease, but all I really know about the treatment is that I need to follow a strict gluten-free diet. What are the food groups that I should avoid? I feel like gluten is in everything.

4 Answers

Yes, a gluten-free diet is the treatment for celiac. Your best option is to see a good registered dietician to learn how to follow that diet. They are trained to help you with this.
Lucky for you, there are now many tasty and healthy options for celiac disease patients. Of course you have to avoid gluten-containing foods, especially those from wheat but also others. The list of products to avoid is extensive and there multiple online and written diets/dietary programs/recipes available to you
All packaged foods, wheat, oats, barley. No fast foods. Favor vegetables and protein. Avoid food supplements, chewing gum, mustard, salad dressings. Modified Pesci vegan diet is best
Gluten is present in wheat, rye and barley and all products that are made from these three grains.