Chiropractor Questions Podiatrist

What to avoid with ankle arthritis?

I have ankle arthritis. What to avoid with ankle arthritis?

4 Answers

Keep weight down and avoid painful activities
It depends on why you are having arthritis. Is there a previous injury? Are you having inflammatory reactions? Let's find out why you are having this and what can be done to turn off pain and inflammation.
The definition of Arthritis is a loss/decrease in the cartilage in a joint. There is no 'cure' for arthritis of any joint. Once the process starts, whether the arthritis be osteoarthritis (wear and tear), autoimmune relates arthritis, Gouty arthritis, post surgical or post traumatic arthritis, there is no way to grow new cartilage. If you have a low grade arthritic condition (small amount of cartilage damage), the best way to avoid it from getting worse is to avoid high impact activities. If you have autoimmune related arthritis, you must visit a Rheumatologist and be treated with appropriate medications to prevent the processes that damage the cartilage from occurring.
Avoid high impact activity, such as running