Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

When can I resume physical activity after disc hernia surgery?

I will have disc hernia surgery. When can I resume physical activity after disc hernia surgery?

7 Answers

I really don't have enough information to give you a well-informed answer. I would need to know if you disc surgery involved the neck or low back. Was there a fusion involved? What was your physical level activity prior to surgery? That said, I can give you a very generic answer. Typically, you can begin walking about 20 minutes at a comfortable, self-selected pace 3-5 days following surgery. Make sure to discuss your activity levels carefully with your surgeon. I also favor formal physical therapy following spine surgery to improved strength and flexibility in a clinically controlled environment. P. Gunnar Brolinson, DO
It depends what procedure you had done. I would contact your surgeon.
Do you have MRI’s? Do you have radiating or local pain? What gives you relief or what aggravates your symptoms? Do you wake up with pain or it happens at end of the day,… there are so many factors to make a correct diagnosis in order to offer you a solution,…
Hope this was helpful if you have any other questions please make a Tele-visit appointment (424)3799357 or find me on IG: DrRominaG
Not enough info
This really depends on the type of surgery to address the herniated disc, but, more importantly, the advice of the surgeon.
Please ask your surgeon as there are a lot of possibilities depending on how extensive your surgery was.
I will defer this question to your Doctor who performed your Surgery. He or she would know all the particulars of your Hernia repair and would give the best advise to you.