Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Achilles Tendon Injuries

achilles tendon

My achilles tendon has been hurting for about 2 week now. How do I know if I have torn it or have partially torn?

Male | 20 years old
Complaint duration: 16 days
Medications: None
Conditions: None

3 Answers

Your doctor can do a Thompson test on physical exam to see if it is intact. If it is intact usually you will be experiencing Achilles tendinitis and May have a heel deformity called haglund’s deformity. If any concern would obtain X-ray followed by Ultrasound or MRI
If u can stand on the toes of that side then it is not torn. In that case just take NSAIDS for a week and if no better see the Ortopedic Surgeon.
Sometimes Pain without injury can be tendinitis. Please get evaluation from
your orthopedic doctor. To diagnose the tear, MRI is the best.