Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncture

Can acupuncture work for acne?

I'm 23, and I have been dealing with acne since I was a teenager. I heard from one of my friends that acupuncture can be very effective for acne. Is this really true?

32 Answers

Yes and diet
Yes, need specific acupuncture, better combined with Chinese herbal treatments.
Yes acupuncture and herbs work well with skins problems, you better try, it might take you between a month to three months to get rid of these.
Yes, very much so. Although i think most people in my field would use other treatment modalities along with acupuncture, such as herbs/supplements and topical herbal remedies on the affected area along with acupuncture to produce the best results.
There are acupuncture detox protocols that help the rid of the body of toxins or bacteria, which could be contributing to acne. There are also specific local skin protocols, LED light therapy, and non-needling techniques that can be used to target the immediate area to help soothe the skin, increase cellular turnover, and decrease inflammation.
It can help. The best approach is diet change and personal hygiene improvements.
Yes, acupuncture can help with acne and other skin conditions. It can help to reduce the appearance of current acne as well as reduce any scars left behind from acne that might have been picked! Acupuncture helps regulate hormones, a large cause of acne. Acupuncture can also help by increasing blood flow to the face, stimulating new nutrients, cells and oxygen in the area and helping to carry out toxins and excess oil away from the face. Acupuncture can also help by increasing the functioning of the organs of the body which can sometimes play a role in skin issues, such as upset stomachs or bacterial overgrowth in the gut.
Yes, acupuncture can help treat acne. I have helped many people with great results.
I went to acupuncture as a teenager myself for acne. It helped me, along with daily herbs, proper skin care and most importantly, cleaning up my diet. But it wasn't an overnight thing. It took a long time.....9 months. But that was my experience, it may not be the case for you.

Hormones are a big factor in acne and to some extent, you just have to let it run it's course. But what you do for your skin care routine can affect that. It's important to not let your skin get too dry, because the oil glands will secrete more oil to help moisturize the skin, causing more breakouts. The skin needs moisture, though, but only after a thorough cleansing and some experts say using a toner before moisturizer. Wearing makeup to cover your skin will only make things worse.

I'm sure you have read about how important diet is in affecting acne. Fried foods, chocolate, dairy, etc can definitely make acne worse and conversely, eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, unprocessed foods, plain water, etc. has shown to improve skin OVER TIME.

All that being said, acupuncture can help but it may take months and only if you are eating right and taking care of your skin properly. In addition, getting enough and deep sleep, avoiding stress and exercising are a huge factor in positive outcomes. I would strongly suggest doing yoga, tai chi or any other stress reducing internal exercises, drinking plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated, maintain a regular sleep schedule, exercise as often as possible and make dietary changes. All of these things along with acupuncture can help over time. Good luck!!!
Yes it can! Diet also comes into play there and the Acupuncturist can offer some eastern perspectives that will help as well.
It is true that acupuncture works well to treat acne. We usually focus on different elements as well such as diet and we usually include herbal supplements to increase our chance of success.

Alexandre Hillairet, DAOM.
Not directly. Instead, we treat hormonal imbalance, dietary issues, or stress by acupuncture or acupuncture + Chinese herbal medicine to correct the deep problems.

I am really sorry to hear you're dealing with acne, especially when you are a teenager and a young adult. So, this topic I know personally being that I suffered from cystic acne, off an on... until I hit 35 years old. Unfortunately, I did not have the knowledge, and I was taken advantage of financially. Topicals, oral pills, lasers, facials, chemical peels, even a course of Acutane, which I did 3 times. It really depends on what type of acne you have. It could be food related, food sensitivity, dietary, skin care regime, and the biggest issue at all...HORMONES. So, here’s my suggestion: I would have a basic blood chemistry work-up, especially a female hormonal panel. That would be my first step.

You asked about acupuncture, so I highly recommend this. Acupuncture can cover all basis. Meaning, food digestion, hormonal balancing, helps relieve stress, clear heat from the body, (that’s an eastern medical term), etc. Being that I’m eastern and western trained, I know both worlds of medicine. Also, dealing with this personally, I completely understand it and I’m compassionate. Remember, acupuncture is not a one time procedure you have to commit to it. It is amazing, and you will see it even on the first visit. Just find an acupuncturist that treats your current situation. Herbs are usually combined and are highly recommended.

Jennifer Koutsodontis Newman, AP, DOM, MD

Thank you for your question.

I personally don’t use acupuncture for acne per se. Without knowing more about you and the reasons for your acne, it would be hard for me to say.

In general Acupuncture can help with rebalancing stress, and sometimes therefore hormones. As a physician, it depends on the type of acne and how I treat someone. As stated above, generally I don’t rely on acupuncture for the first line.

Good luck,

Dr. B
Acupuncture is great for acne, coupled with Herbal Formulas or topical to help with imbalance in the skin or internal organs that are causing the hormonal imbalances creating skin eruptions. I offer Homeopathic Injection technique called Nappage on the face that is excellent in clearing skin and creating what is called the Meso Glow!
Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine combination helps fast and effectively.

Hu Gi
In Chinese Medicine, acne is a form of toxic damp heat. An acupuncturist will determine the cause and remedy it. It can be very effective.

James A. Beshires, BSN, RN, MSOM, Dipl.OM, LAc


Yes, acupuncture helps acne.Your acupuncturist will access you and treat you according to which organs are causing the acne. You may need to take some herbal medicine to help to clear your acne.


Scott Sang In Lee
Yes, it is.
Acupuncture can help with acne problems. Acupuncture is not only needles, but there are also natural Chinese herbs that are part of many prescriptions.

Be well, be confident, we can help.
Skin diseases including acne can definitely benefit from acupuncture. Commonly acne is treated with an herbal pill, an herbal solution externally, along with the acupuncture to make it most effective.
Yes, acupuncture along with orthomolecular supplementation to resolve underlying root causes can resolve acne.
Yes, acupuncture can help acne. Sometimes you may need to add herbs if the acne is severe.
Greatly benefits for acne. It also depends on how your daily eating habits, stress, hormones can play a role, and other factors as well.
Yes, it can be and is helpful in many cases. The practitioner may also have herbs or lotions mmade with herbs to help. There may be a dietary or emotional component involved too so find a licensed acupuncturist in your area to help. A trained professional can help sift through a variety of options our medicine has for you.

Good luck
I've not heard of acupuncture treatments for acne, but that doesn't mean there aren't any. And I would imagine there might be Chinese herbs your acupuncturist could offer. I'd certainly call around to practitioners in your area and ask them.
Yes, it is true, really.
Yes, but I would recommend seeing an acupuncturist who specializes in skincare. Though any acupuncturist can help you, one who specializes in facial acupuncture can better treat current break outs and scarring from acne.
Yes, this is true. Acne is treated differently with acupuncture and Chinese Medical Theory. We look at hormonal imbalanced, allergies, and digestion to treat acne.
Yes, acupuncture can be effective for acne. I've been able to help a couple patients with this particular skin issue using acupuncture combined with a little food therapy (add a couple food items, remove a couple food items). For females whose acne is related to their menstrual cycle, acupuncture often has the added benefit of evening the cycle out and relieving things like cramping, distention, PMS and PMDD.

For the best results, please make sure you're seeing a state licensed acupuncturist. If you're outside CA, you can use's "Find a Practitioner" look up to get a list of local providers.