Colon & Rectal Surgeon Questions Digestive Problems

Do I need colon and rectal surgery?

I am a 51 year old male who has had chronic IBS and other digestive related issues his entire life. My doctor recently suggested colon and rectal surgery? Is this a good idea?

4 Answers

This is something that’s best answered by the GI specialist who knows the severity of your condition.
In general, IBS would rarely require surgery. Only in the most severe cases of constipation might someone benefit from partial colon resection. If you have doubts, then get other opinions from both a GI doctor and a colorectal surgeon.
It is a good idea to have a consultation with a colon and rectal surgeon to fully assess the extent of your disease and devise an appropriate treatment plan. Despite the longevity of certain conditions, surgery may not be required.

I think that is a bad idea. Check it with another doctor first.