Dentist Questions Dentist

Does Invisalign cause bad breath?

I am a 17 year old female. I want to know does Invisalign cause bad breath?

6 Answers

No Invisalign does not cause bad breath. But you do need to keep the aligners very clean. if you don't they can pick up odors and then this might be the bad breath
No. Poor oral hygiene can cause bad breath.
Any appliance can most certainly harbor bacteria that can cause bad breath. Using denture cleaners can help you clean your Invisalign trays. However, they can also hide other places, like your tongue, so using mouthwash or a tongue scraper can help, as well. Another thing to consider is that anything new in your mouth can cause a change in how much saliva your body produces; if your mouth is more dry since you started Invisalign treatment, it may be that your body is trying to adjust. A dry mouth can cause bad breath. Try drinking more water until you feel like your mouth has adjusted, if this is the case.
Usually not. Invisalign involves a series of plastic trays that straighten our teeth. What I recommend to my patients is to brush the inside and outside of the trays when they brush their teeth and that is enough to make sure the breath smells good.

Marc D. Thomas, DDS
No. If you clean your teeth and clean your tray every day in the morning and evening it should be fine. Thanks. Dr. Price