Psychiatrist Questions Strattera

Does Strattera cause dizziness and confusion?

I've been on Strattera for the most part of a year, and I'm beginning to wonder if it is causing my feelings of dizziness and confusion. Is Strattera associated with dizziness and confusion?

3 Answers

It is possible, but not common. Please check with your doctor. There may be drug interactions if you are on several meds.
Strattera can cause these 2 symptoms but it is uncommon and less likely together. You need to consult your physician for this specifically. It may require a dosage adjustment or be found to be secondary to another associated problem. If it is related directly to Strattera, there are other good drugs that treat the same conditions. Good Luck!
It can be but both symptoms are uncommon. Confusion is possible but raises the question of some other psychiatric process as well. Your prescribing physician needs to check the relationship of these 2 side effects to see if there is a connection. If so, he may change the dose or stop the medicine. If not, he needs further evaluation to see if something else is going on. Good Luck