Hematologist-Oncologist Questions Hematologist

How long does a total blood test take?

I am an 18 year old female who needs a total blood test for my recent diagnosis. How long does a total blood test take?

2 Answers

In an ideal circumstance where blood is drawn and immediately processed, the results should be available about 15-20 minutes after the blood is drawn. Every lab has their own protocol regarding how quickly the blood is processed and the time/manner in which results are released to the ordering physician and the patient. In my clinic, I typically can tell my patients their test results less than 30 minutes after the blood is drawn.
A total blood test is not a medical term. If it means a CBC (complete blood count) and CMP (comprehensive metabolic panel), that should take 24 hours. If it includes other diagnostic tests, it may take up to 7 days or more depending on the test.