Urologist Questions Prostate Diseases

How serious is my prostate problem?

I went to my doctor to have my prostate checked. My doctors said that it didn't feel enlarged or abnormal, but I'm still having issues urinating and I think it's related. What should I do?

2 Answers

For the best opinion from someone who is a specialist, see a urologist. They keep up to date with the latest, and best to you!
Depending on your age, and the symptoms you are having, it could be a host of issues. It is generally easy to rule out prostate problems, by trying on a medication such as flomax. Also you can have a urine flow test done at your urologists office to rule out sign of blockage, that can come from prostate or Urethra. Depending on your age, and other pertinent history, a further work up may be warranted.
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