Urologist Questions Urinary Tract Infections

Is a UTI infectious?

If I have a UTI can it spread to my husband when we have sex? Will using a condom prevent transmission for it?

4 Answers

A urinary tract infection is just that - of the urinary tract. Your vagina should not harbor urine or it’s infection. It is theoretically possible for you to transmit UTI to male partner, but due to the male anatomy (longer urethra), men are generally less prone to UTI than a woman, and the source would generally be felt to be less likely due to bacteria at a male urethral meatus. If you are having recurrent infections, it would be reasonable to use a condom to see if this decreased your own recurrence, although UTI with intercourse is less likely due to male factor, and more likely due to contamination from vagina and/or fecal bacteria that may be present in vagina.
It would be very unlikely that a UTI would spread from you to your husband during sex. Yes a condom would further reduce the risk. However I would advise you to avoid sex until after the UTI has cleared, as sex may perpetuate your UTI and delay recovery. To find out more see my website
Your infection has no effect on your husband. Advise him to increase fluid intake and urinate after sex.
A UTI is not sexually transmitted.