OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Is it ok to sleep on right side during third trimester?

I am a 31 year old who is pregnant. I want to know if it is ok to sleep on right side during third trimester?

8 Answers

No science that says sleeping on one side or the other is beneficial in a normal pregnancy. There may be some benefit in a complicated pregnancy.
Generally, it is best recommended for you to sleep on the left side, also know as left lateral recumbent position much so during the 3rd trimester. For the simple reason of preventing inferior vena caval return to general circulation from mass effect of the uterus; which mostly shift to the right. This is to ensure enough blood return for circulation for you as well as placental supply for the fetus. As the saying goes both the "vehicle and the content thereof are equally important". Hope this was helpful. you may reach me on my practice web site at: pineridgeobgyn.com
Common medical opinion has been to advise women after the second trimester to sleep on the left side rather than on their backs. This is because the increasingly heavy uterus can compress the large vein (inferior vena cava) that returns blood to heart causing insufficient blood to reach the heart. This leads to less blood being pumped from the heart, thus to the uterus and that in turn leads to insufficient oxygen getting to the fetus. It is now generally agreed that if the woman turns completely to the right that this does not compromise the blood flow. My own studies on fetal oxygenation showed that both positions are fine.
Prefer to sleep on the left side
Yes. You should be able to lay on the right side unless you are passing out while laying flat on your back

Doug Young, MD
Yes, it is okay to sleep on your right side during pregnancy. Sleeping flat on your back can decrease the blood flow back to your heart because of the weight of the uterus. This can cause problems with blood flow to the placenta. So either side is okay to sleep.
Slight tilt to the left is recommended to avoid compression of huge blood vessels on your right. You can use a body pillow on your right when you sleep to help with the tilt.
Happy and Safe pregnancy!!